How Do You Strategize For Social Media Marketing? NY’s Best Social Media Management Companies Share Tips
As if planning a business strategy, marketing strategy, and ad strategy wasn’t enough, today’s best marketing firms in NY recommend that you develop yet another strategy—this time, one for social media marketing. In NY, this is often handled by professional advertising and social media management companies. As you start your process, here are some great tips to consider!
Step 0: Before starting step one, you need to look at your overall strategic planning and marketing plan. Yes, this is taking you back to marketing 101, and for good reason—your strategy, goals, and objectives for your whole business should be a clear foundation that guides you through your next steps. The best social media marketing experts in NY know that social media is only a part of overall strategy.
Step 1: Now that you’ve sorted your overall business goals and strategic plan, it’s time to narrow in on social media. What do you want to accomplish by using social media? Do you want to make your brand more personable? To share special deals? To make more sales? Talk with your social media marketing experts on what you can really expect. Many people are surprised to find out that social media marketing does not usually have a direct increase on sales efforts. However, the value of social media engagement translates into loyalty, increased engagement, and customer retention, just to name a few.
Step 2: Develop your content. Today’s social media content needs to be heavily visual, as the typical user is more interested in photos and videos than reading. Longform blog posts have their role, but it isn’t your social media strategy. Keep your content friendly, informative, and accurate, or develop a “voice” on social media. If you need help with this step, working with a social media marketing agency in NY with copywriting services and social media management is a good plan.
Step 3: The next step is to conduct detailed data analysis to figure out what works. Unless you just love writing and posting social media posts for fun, this is part of your work, and should have clear goals. Did your post inviting people to visit your website actually get people to visit? Did your “like us for a coupon” post perform better (as in, get more likes), than the “please like us” post? By using this information and analyzing the performance of your social media posts in context of your goals, you can determine what really works best.
Step 4: Now that you have the data in hand, you can make necessary changes going forward. In fact, all of these steps should be repeated, endlessly, always seeking to improve, or to share your latest news. A day is like a month when it comes to social media, and the hottest trends cool just as quickly. To stay relevant, you must stay fresh and engaged.
Does this sound like way too much work? For a business professional, it probably is! You don’t run out and mow the lawn at your office in the summer, or patch the roof in the winter, so why are you taking on a second job as a social media marketing professional all year long? Let a professional social media marketing company handle your socials and enjoy the benefits.