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Returning to the Office? Boost Your Online Presence with Digital Marketing Strategies for Re-Engagement!

| Web &Amp; Mobile Apps Design And Development | Seo | Online Marketing In Nj &Amp; Ga

Returning to the Office? Boost Your Online Presence with Digital Marketing Strategies for Re-Engagement!

After over a year of staying safer at home, more and more people are returning to the office. So how can you harness digital marketing strategies to re-engage your customers and B2B partners effectively? The digital marketing agency Contemporary Media Group has some great tips that we’ve used to help our clients with their digital marketing strategy in New Jersey. Keep reading to see what they are!

Re-Opening Sales

If your business has a physical storefront, you likely saw a decrease in sales in 2020 due to the pandemic. What better way to bring people back to your brand than with a re-opening sale! While this can also boost your physical marketing strategy, remember that some of your customers would like to switch to digital on a permanent basis. Draw in new customers and reignite relationships with loyal customers with a great deal!

Updated Info—Everywhere!

What are your hours? Do we still need to wear masks? Do we have to show a vaccination card? Do we need reservations?

If your business has been getting a lot of emails and phone calls like this, a good digital marketing strategy can help. Your customers are ready to return, so you need to let them know how. By updating your website, adding content to your blog, keeping your hours accurate on Google and other business sites, and providing useful updates on social media, you can give your customers and clients the confidence they need to return to your previous relationships. This is especially true for restaurants, bars, and live entertainment venues that have dealt with changes in regulations for the past year.

E-Blasts and Notifications

If you publish it, they will come and read… hopefully. But how can you connect directly with those customers who stuck with you through the hard times? Now is a great time to send out an e-blast or a push notification through your mobile app! In NJ, the COVID restrictions have been changing rapidly, and your best customers should be the first to know when you reopen, drop restrictions, or offer new deals. Call your digital marketing team in Sparta for help designing an attractive and well-worded message that brings people back.

Our team is so excited to see our nation’s economy and our local community in NJ reopen. If your business could use a boost, why not give us a call to see how we can combine digital, social media, and print marketing strategies to make the rest of 2021 the best ever!

CMG Team

